Not all features appear to be implemented. In particular, numeric parameters and comparator specifications are lacking. See GLUT 3.7 sources for example.
PyOpenGL glutInitDisplayString documentation.
Consider making GLUT_FPS keep per-window stats in a multi-window program.
Mouse assumed to exist on UNIX/X11.
Mice assumed to have three buttons on UNIX/X11.
Joystick query limited to one joystick
Consider moving to a table-based approach rather than a switch(), letting us move to modular functions.
Does not differentiate between the left and right forms of the modifiers.
Put the normals into the (or an) array.
Make the array static const, with file scope, and share with glutSolidTetrahedron().
Maybe consolidate with the SierpinskySponge?
Replacing game mode with a better design was discussed at some length in early 2004.
There is no way for game mode to report a partial failure.
There is no way to guarantee cleanup if OpenGLUT crashes during game mode---or if the client crashes or directly exits, etc.
Some XFree86 releases, with some drivers, can fail to set the video mode properly, resulting in disasterous failure (an unusable display). This is presently somewhat headed off by a compile-time option, but a runtime option would be better, as there may be cases where the user is willing to put up with the risk for some---and only some---OpenGLUT applications. Since game mode applications are somewhat dim-witted about such user preferences, it seems, an OpenGLUT runtime control could be desirable.
OpenGLUT may be unable to restore the original settings (this has been observed on WIN32).
Consider an ogWarning() if there is no current rendering context.
This is an ugly bit of code with 3 return statements, one of which is never reached.
Should be set when the window is damaged; should not be set just for glutPostRedisplay().
Should walk the tree of menus and glutPopWindow() (or all windows that are of menu-window type?).
Investigate making a workalike variant using glutPopWindow() to mimic the feature where not directly supported.