OpenGLUT Documentation
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Known Bugs

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New bug reports or suggestions should be directed to the bug or requested feature enhancement trackers at Sourceforge.

Global glutCopyColormap (int window)

Global glutGetColor (int color, int component)

Global glutSetColor (int nColor, GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue)

Global glutMainLoop (void)
Talking to other message systems (e.g., network layers) can be a bit bothersome under the GLUT event model.

Global glutMainLoop (void)
Talking to other message systems (e.g., network layers) can be a bit bothersome under the GLUT event model.

Global glutInitDisplayMode (unsigned int displayMode)
GLUT_OFFSCREEN windows do not work with nVidia cards/drivers. (Both Win32 and X11)

GLUT_BORDERLESS seems to vary by the window manager on X11, though twm (for example) performs very similarly to WIN32. But KDE's window manager (for example) does not let you send keystrokes to borderless windows without OpenGLUT hacks.

Global glutSetCursor (int cursorID)
Some cursorID values are not yet supported on WIN32.

Global glutOverlayDisplayFunc (void(*callback)(void))
OpenGLUT does not implement layers at this time.

Global glutDeviceGet (GLenum eWhat)
GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT returns the key repeat mode, but the comment says it returns the rate. GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT should probably return ogState.KeyRepeat.

Global glutForceJoystickFunc (void)
The original WINCE import used a #if to turn this function off. That is wrong. The proper way to handle the joystick code is to generate "null" events. The WINCE code needs to be fixed in og_joystick.c, not here.

Global glutGet (GLenum eWhat)
ogElapsedTime() returns a long, but glutGet() only is defined to return an int.

The following returns an unsigned long, but the function is only set to return {int}.

Global glutMenuStatusFunc (void(*callback)(int status, int x, int y))
Your callback is not actually called presently.

Global glutMenuStateFunc (void(*callback)(int status))
Your callback is not actually called presently.

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